US - Defence contractor Lockheed Martin warned 2012 profits could be hurt by unexpectedly high pension costs.
CANADA - Canadian pensions marked their lowest quarterly returns since the start of the financial crisis on the back of world-wide market uncertainty, said RBC Dexia.
Hermes Equity Ownership Service has announced its intention to withold support from key board members at the forthcoming News Corporation shareholder meeting.
Jeremy Cooper, author of Australia's Cooper review on superannuation, talks about his vision behind a lower-cost, more efficient pension system. He talks about the failure of traditional drivers of competition to lower prices in the financial services...
US - Paulson & Co, the giant US hedge fund, has warned in a "worst case" scenario it could suffer redemptions equivalent to between a fifth and a quarter of its assets by the end of the year.
Which service providers do you think should make the shortlist?
GLOBAL - More than two-thirds of institutional investors are concerned about the impact of high frequency trading (HFT) on the equities market, research has found.
DC members are 25% worse off than seven weeks ago because poorly designed investment strategies have failed to protect from volatility and market falls, Xafinity says.
Equities feel pain of pensions exposure; Pension fears threaten to derail sale of Comet
Pension funds are facing a "double whammy" as their reaction to falling asset values exacerbates a rise in liabilities, warns a fiduciary manager.