Equities, fixed income, property and alternatives. This has been the standard way of breaking down portfolio allocations for years.
Volatility control benchmarking in defined contribution (DC) default funds could make guarantees more affordable, Redington suggests.
Naomi Rainey looks at the IMA’s Asset Management Survey 2012-13
BlackRock's institutional assets under management (AUM) hit US$2.5trn (£1.65trn) despite net outflows in its active and index funds, its latest results show.
Around two thirds of pension fund managers believe that developing nations offer the biggest equity gains over the next 10 years, according to Barings.
Jonathan Stapleton asks whether a saving on fees is really a bargain
The West Midlands Pension Fund has appointed a six-manager panel for its £830m global emerging markets equity exposure.
As the FTSE continues to perform strongly Helen Morrissey asks why UK pension schemes are upping their bond allocations
UK schemes have slashed equity allocations to below 40% in the past year, bringing portfolios more in line with their European counterparts, according to Mercer.
Schemes’ affair with equities is over, says Jonathan Stapleton