Natasha Browne looks at fixed income in a new light
Long-term gilt yields are unlikely to rise above 4% for many years taking into account past performance, economics and supply and demand, according to Barnett Waddingham partner Matt Tickle.
US employment figures for September have missed expectations which could all but rules out the prospect of a slowdown in US quantiative easing (QE) before 2014.
The latest figures from the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) show a minor rise in defined benefit (DB) deficits after months of continuous reductions.
Taha Lokhandwala looks at the far-reaching influence of the US central bank
John Redwood says employer covenant is just as important to schemes as ever
John McNeill questions whether gilt yields really are beginning to normalise.
Taha Lokhandwala looks at what the Debt Management Office plans for government bonds
Jonathan Stapleton talks to Baring Asset Management chief investment officer Marino Valensise
The UK Debt Management Office (DMO) will launch a 55-year index linked gilt in the coming weeks but says issuing any bonds of longer duration remains difficult due to lack of demand.