Defined benefit (DB) s179 deficits continue to fall despite a drop in gilt yields, research from the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) finds.
A rise in equities failed to halt increasing deficits at the UK's biggest companies as corporate bond yields took a negative turn, research from Mercer shows.
Charlotte Moore looks at the trend towards indeces formed using alternative criteria
Minute gains in the FTSE has seen private sector defined benefit deficits increase for the second month in a row, adding £20bn, research from the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) shows.
Private sector deficits increased last month for the first time this year after slower growth in equities, research from the Pension Protection Fund shows.
Private sector deficits have fallen for the third consecutive month as equity markets bounce back and falling yields slow down, research from the Pension Protection Fund reveals.
The latest set of financial results from FTSE companies has re-ignited the debate over smoothing discount rates as strong asset returns were wiped out due to falls in discount rates.
Scheme deficits increased significantly in January according to the latest funding survey, compounding mixed messages on the state of defined benefit funds during a month of stock market gains.
The aggregate deficit of UK private sector schemes has decreased by £33.5bn over January, research from the Pension Protection Fund shows.