Women's contributions to occupational schemes fell 5% in real terms over the last 12 months, despite average contributions rising in line with inflation.
Resolution has appointed Tim Tookey as chief financial officer of its UK life project, Friends Life.
With just over a year to go before the largest employers begin auto-enrolling workers into pension schemes, companies need to be prepared, a provider says.
The National Employment Savings Trust will allow employers to make scheme contributions using a debit card, a payment method most other providers shy away from.
Resolution's group pension assets grew by approximately £1bn over the first half of this year, results show.
Providers, advisers and life offices have written to the Treasury pressuring it to allow simpler transfers of assets between savings vehicles.
Friends Life has announced some jobs may be at risk as it closes its Basingstoke office and consolidate its two Manchester offices by the end of 2012.
Andrew Short questions whether the web alone is sufficient to reach an apathetic population and how social media can help boost member engagement.
Buyout vehicle Resolution expects to have £500m of excess cash to return to shareholders over the next 12 months after completing its work examining the cash and capital position of Friends Life, its new proposition formed from the merger of Friends Provident...
Aviva has appointed Trevor Matthews as chief executive of its UK region and as an executive director of Aviva.