Steve Webb says there are various ways to take action on executives who try to line their pockets by putting workers' pensions at risk
Barclays Bank has defended plans to move its defined benefit (DB) pension scheme to its investment banking arm once it splits in April.
Carillion's 13 UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes had a combined £2.6bn buyout deficit upon its collapse on 15 January, according to an analysis for Sky News.
Jonathan Stapleton says in light of the construction giant's collapse, the government must urgently tackle the issue of scheme funding.
What were the most read analysis articles on Professional Pensions over the last 12 months? Here are the top stories of the year
The Work and Pensions Committee (WPC) has said a cold-calling ban could be in place by summer if the government heeds its suggestions.
The Work and Pensions Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the merits of collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes, and the potential role they could play in saving for retirement.
Former pensions minister Baroness Ros Altmann has claimed civil servants gave explanations that "didn't really ring true" for not introducing a cold calling ban while she was in office.
The "legislative paralysis" since June's snap general election and the dominance of Brexit debates means the Chancellor could tinker with "monstrous" tax relief in his Autumn Budget in November, Sir Steve Webb has said.
Over 50 academics in the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) have urged the fund's trustees to explain calculations used to calculate its deficit.