Traditional fixed income assets are failing to deliver the returns many schemes need. Euan MacLaren assesses whether emerging market debt can provide an alternative
Bond investors are set to endure a sustained period of low or negative returns. Andy Bevan and Elina Theodorakopoulou look at the possible responses from investors
While it can be difficult to isolate the impact that ESG factors have on the performance of credit instruments, the research is becoming hard to ignore, finds Helen Morrissey
Steve Cook, Chris Perryman and John Bates look at managing liquidity in emerging market corporates
Global growth expectations are picking up as economies show resilience to the major political events of recent months, according to BlackRock Investment Institute.
Witold Bahrke believes we should get used to lower returns from fixed income investments going forward.
Salman Ahmed looks at the issues facing fixed income investors.
Sorca Kelly-Scholte looks at the legacy of zero and negative interest rate policies.
Joshua Kendall believes more focus needs to be placed on ESG in fixed income.
Herve Hanoune urges investors to look at their fixed income allocations differently