For too long, ESG has been talked about as if it were something outside our main investment process. Jonathan Stapleton says this must change.
The market for bonds focused on ESG issues is growing exponentially, but how can schemes take advantage? James Phillips explores the issue
Richard Butcher says ESG is simply more of the same of what we do now, so why isn't it properly catching on?
The £711m Scottish Borders Council Pension Fund has joined Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)'s global sustain strategy.
Smaller schemes should be given more time to prepare data for the pensions dashboard while larger counterparts should be brought on earlier, this week's Pensions Buzz respondents say.
Some of the UK's biggest pension schemes will be forced to report on climate risk in line with recommendations from the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
The Northern local government pension scheme (LGPS) pool has pledged to completely decarbonise its investments by 2050 in line with the 2015 Paris agreement.
Merseyside Pension Fund has allocated an initial £400m of assets to a smart sustainability fund managed by State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).
Government rules over ethical investment in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) will hit the Supreme Court as campaigners contest state interference.
A campaign to divest the MPs' Pension Scheme from fossil fuel investments has gained the support of 200 MPs and former MPs across partisan lines.