Women's savings are being cut due to part-time work leaving them £105,000 worse off than men in retirement, research conducted by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) and Now Pensions revealed.
The industry seems to be full of the same familiar commentators discussing the same old issues. Lesley Carline argues it is time to give a new generation a chance.
The Pension Protection Fund's member payments officer won administrator of the year at PP's inaugural Rising Star Awards. He tells Kim Kaveh about his successes.
Younger voices on trustee boards are becoming increasingly required - and important - to "reflect and respond to savers' needs", according to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association's (PLSA) Caroline Escott.
Just over a third of women claim they do not have a pension plan compared to 17% of men, a Willis Owen survey has found.
The number of women participating in a workplace pension has increased by 70% since auto-enrolment (AE) began, analysis by Equiniti reveals.
Improved diversity on master trust boards can enable greater understanding of wider socioeconomic circumstances, argues James Phillips.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents agreed the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is sometimes right to vote against company voluntary agreement (CVA) proposals.
The Aon senior consultant was named mentor of the year at the inaugural Rising Star Awards. She speaks to Kim Kaveh about her successes to date.
Many master trust boards lack diversity, yet the ultimate goal should be to achieve cognitive inclusion to represent a large cohort of DC members, writes Kim Kaveh.