Action must be taken to tackle the increasingly large gap in performance of auto-enrolment (AE) providers, according to a report by ShareAction.
JLT Employee Benefits has appointed Andrien Meyers as a senior investment consultant to help advise the firm's Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) clients.
Legislation must be introduced to stop the cost of master trust wind-ups falling on members, the pensions minister says.
Former pensions minister Steve Webb has said reaching a state pension age of 66 by 2020 should have been done over a much longer period.
A number of solutions are emerging that may make financial advice more accessible for defined contribution (DC) savers according to a report by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
Volatility has risen ahead of the EU referendum with markets already reeling from a deflationary scare driven by the oil price fall. Kristian Brunt-Seymour finds schemes must take action now to mitigate their risk exposures.
A considerable gap remains between public and private sector employer and employee contribution levels according to data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
Radically reforming the pensions tax relief system could disincentivise saving, according to a report by the International Longevity Centre - UK (ILC-UK) and Age UK.
Tesco has appointed Legal & General as its defined contribution (DC) bundled pension provider.
Nearly a quarter of companies have still not reviewed their pension schemes' investment strategy in light of the April freedoms according to Willis Towers Watson's DC master trust, LifeSight.