The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has urged defined benefit (DB) trustees to ensure an expected surge in transfers does not jeopardise scheme funding levels.
A decline in the number of active defined benefit pension schemes has fuelled a reduction in the cost of workplace benefits.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published an essential guide for defined contribution (DC) trustees trying to get to grips with fresh rules on governance and charge controls.
Most industry figures think defined benefit (DB) schemes will have to cut benefits to tackle spiralling deficits, according to PP research.
Barnett Waddingham has been appointed administrator for the University of Reading's Employees' Pension Fund (UREPF).
The government should take action to ensure more money is paid out to Allied Steel and Wire (ASW) pensions according to MP Gordon Henderson.
Sponsors of defined benefit (DB) schemes could face a £100bn bill as members look to transfer to defined contribution (DC) arrangements to take advantage of incoming ‘freedom and choice' rules.
The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) has warned the public's perception of pensions could be damaged by disappointment in the Budget flexibilities.
Proposals to let defined benefit (DB) members with small pots transfer out without taking advice are supported by the industry, according to research carried out by PP.
Morrisons is planning to shut its salary-linked pension schemes in a move that could save it up to £10m a year.