Almost a fifth of defined contribution (DC) pension schemes will offer flexible drawdown as a result of the freedom and choice reforms, according to research.
The Eleco pension scheme is close to being taken into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) following a major restructuring of the company.
When debating how to generate alpha over the long term the critical importance of being benchmark agnostic is frequently overlooked, finds Jim Hamel
Tesco has agreed to pay £270m in cash each year to plug the £3.9bn deficit of its defined benefit (DB) pension scheme.
Peter Vickers has been appointed regional development manager for the South East by the Pensions Trust.
As the hunt for yield continues, the burgeoning market for UK municipal bonds could provide some much needed fresh issues for pension fund investment. However, some remain sceptical about the appeal according to Angele Spiteri Paris.
Pension deficits of UK companies have risen by £107bn since March 2014, according to research.
Women are projected to see their retirement incomes grow by a third by 2060 as the gender gap continues to narrow, according to figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Just three out of ten pension professionals support plans to let pensioners cash in their annuities according to research by PP.
Guy Coughlan has been appointed chief financial risk officer at the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).