Sarah Steel has been appointed senior new business consultant at Hymans Robertson, after leaving Aon Hewitt.
Buy-in and buyout deals slowed down in the first six months to £2.7bn, which is just over half of business written in H1 last year, according to LCP.
A man will make a case in the Supreme Court for his husband to receive the same death benefits a wife would be entitled to.
Scottish Power has completed a longevity swap with Abbey Life to hedge £1bn of liabilities, covering 4,000 pensioners in the Manweb section of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme.
As deficits soared following the Bank of England's rate cut and stimulus package, the future for DB looks even more challenging. A major re-think is needed to avert a pensions crisis, writes Stephanie Baxter
Amec Foster Wheeler has merged its two main defined benefit (DB) schemes into a defined contribution (DC) arrangement after closing the biggest fund to future accrual.
Defined benefit (DB) pension schemes could have access to much-needed cash flow through a short-term equivalent of a buy-in service, according to PwC.
The liabilities of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes continued to increase last month amid further falls in yields, according to the Pension Protection Fund's (PPF) 7800 Index.
Defined benefit (DB) deficits at FTSE350 companies have swelled by £34bn since 2010 despite £15bn being paid into them annually.
The Work and Pensions Committee (WPC) has launched an inquiry into the regulation of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.