GKN has announced plans to make a cash contribution of £160m into its defined benefit (DB) pension schemes as part of demerger plans designed to fend off a hostile takeover by Melrose Industries.
This week's top stories include articles about the CMI's latest mortality projections model and its accompanying report, which show a clear trend in life expectancy.
Richard Butcher says we need proper debate about proposed DB solutions to avoid rushed and ill-thought-out legislation
A new law allowing co-habiting couples to register as civil partners could add billions to the liabilities of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.
BESTrustees has appointed Karen Theobald to its team of trustee executives as the firm continues to expand.
The industry has been calling for some sort of alternative to defined benefit (DB) schemes for as long as I can remember - saying such arrangements could provide a third way between DB and defined contribution (DC) schemes.
Richard Favier says extending the 12-month period would result in a lot of companies seeking to pass their pension debts to the PPF
Paul Masterton MP disagrees there is no affordability problem in DB schemes, and calls for a statutory override to allow trustees to switch to CPI
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) is calling on Royal Mail to merge its defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) members into a risk sharing pension scheme.
Legal and General (L&G) has hired Kingfisher Group's head of pensions Dermot Courtier as chairman of its master trust and independent governance committee (IGC).