The funding level of Tesco's defined benefit (DB) pension scheme has fallen yet again as it revealed its first-half profits have more than halved.
Hamish Reeves has been made an associate director at Lincoln Pensions
Deficits in defined benefit (DB) schemes have deteriorated over the last 12 months due to low gilt yields and market volatility over the summer, according to JLT Employee Benefits.
Ian Barnes looks at how schemes can tackle cash flow negativity
Tony Baily has been appointed client director by Cardano and joins from Aon Hewitt where he was a partner.
The increasing cost of servicing its £1.2bn pension shortfall helped push pre-tax profits at John Lewis down over a quarter in the first half of the year.
Warning notice and court case force agreement
Defined benefit (DB) pension scheme trustees have been urged to consider the suitability of their funding plans after last week's ‘Black Monday' market shock.
FTSE350 companies have enjoyed a 7% month-on-month decrease in their defined benefit (DB) pension scheme deficits despite recent turmoil in the equity markets, according to Mercer.
Rising longevity poses a much greater threat to companies with defined benefit (DB) pension schemes than low interest rates, Fitch Ratings has warned.