Catherine Howarth says schemes need to explore different avenues to help members take ownership of retirement saving.
This week we want to know what was Sir Steve Webb's greatest achievement, and if transfer values quotations to cash in defined benefit (DB) pensions have peaked.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has reaffirmed its determination to ensure trustees demonstrate good governance by fining four master trust schemes for not completing a chair's statement.
Plans to reform pensions across the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to bring them in line with public sector changes are being opposed by trade unions.
This week we want to know if there should be a lifeboat fund for master trusts in the event of insolvency and how it should be funded.
PP Online takes a look at the top 20 feature articles of 2016.
Following its response to the 21st Century trusteeship and governance discussion paper, chairman Mark Boyle underlines TPR's determination to drive up standards.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a consultation calling for views on changing rules on bulk defined contribution (DC) transfers without member consent.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has revealed how it will raise the bar on trustees to address concerns that too many members are suffering financial detriment from poor stewardship.
Aon has appointed Neil Latham to its retirement and investment practice as a principal consultant in its defined contribution (DC) team.