A union proposal for Royal Mail to create a risk sharing scheme has brought back the idea of defined ambition. Stephanie Baxter looks at how it would work and if it could set a blueprint for others
Calum Cooper urges schemes to engage with members on defined benefit transfers
Designing good DC default funds for members can be a difficult and daunting task for trustees. Michael Klimes explores how they can do it
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has said it "strongly encourages" providers to apply for the master trust assurance framework in the run-up to the introduction of its authorisation powers.
The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) powers to authorise master trusts will be the "cornerstone" of its drive to consolidate the defined contribution (DC) market according to Andrew Warwick-Thompson.
PP research finds disagreement on whether transfers to SSASs are the problem and should be barred.
John Gray says we need to do all we can to preserve defined benefit pension provision in the UK
Anthony Filbin says trustees must prepare for new responsibilities.
Hugh Nolan gives his view on how pensions must develop over the coming years.
Graham Vidler says there needs to be a focus on simplicity in pension.