"We must do something, this is something, therefore we must do this," is the politician's fallacy famously expounded by Sir Humphrey Appleby in the BBC sitcom Yes, Prime Minister.
Industry believes regulator should have tighter control over concerning DB transfers to protect scheme members.
Respondents say dividend clearance regime for firms with pension deficits is a bad idea.
Henry Tapper says as the initial euphoria of 'never having to buy an annuity again' wears off, the prospect of freedoms becomes less appealing
Malcolm McLean says we must look hard at the delivery of the pension freedoms and ensure consumer protection is as good as it can be
Actuaries and investment consultants that fail to take account of climate risk in their work and advice face increasing risks of legal liability and regulatory action, according to ClientEarth.
The Work and Pensions Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the merits of collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes, and the potential role they could play in saving for retirement.
This week we want to know if the UK is facing a crisis in the retirement income market and whether government concern about a rushed cold calling ban is valid.
The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has launched a consultation with Universities UK (UUK) on proposed assumptions for its 2017 valuation.
This week we want to know if DB members should have a limited legal right to do a partial transfer and whether there has been enough innovation in the drawdown fund market since April 2015.