Vince Childers thinks DC schemes should take a look at real assets.
The total funding shortfall across Balfour Beatty's pension schemes rose by £85m to £231m over the course of 2016, driven by interest rate falls and contraction in credit spreads.
MP Frank Field has written to the regulator seeking more detail on the benefits secured for British Home Stores (BHS) pension scheme members from the deal struck with Sir Philip Green.
Hugh Nolan gives his view on how pensions must develop over the coming years.
The government's admission there is a case to suspend indexation for certain underfunded defined benefit (DB) schemes has been welcomed by some while others warn it would open the floodgates.
The way schemes invest has changed dramatically over the past 20 years in response to a whole raft of challenges. Stephanie Baxter asks if they're in a better place now.
Tata Steel's proposal to close the British Steel Pension Scheme (BSPS) and replace it with a defined contribution (DC) plan has been accepted by steelworkers.
Only a fifth of defined benefit (DB) members believe they can make an informed decision to transfer out of their scheme, a survey has revealed.
Jane Middleton has been appointed to PI Partnership Group's independent trustee team for defined benefit (DB) schemes.
The Administrative Court has struck down a challenge to an ongoing anti-avoidance case from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) over the Silentnight pension scheme.