The number of defined benefit (DB) scheme members transferring to defined contribution (DC) has more than doubled in a year, Xafinity figures have shown.
The estimated defined benefit (DB) transfer value remained fairly stable in March, falling by just £2,000, despite expected volatility.
This week's top stories include reports that a deal for the British Steel Pension Scheme could be very near, while recent falls in life expectancy may not be a blip.
A study has found 55% of defined benefit (DB) members who spoke to a financial adviser chose to transfer out to access the pension flexibilities in 2016-17, compared to just 36% the previous year.
Defined benefit (DB) schemes should provide more comprehensive information when calculating cash equivalent transfer values (CETVs) to reduce delays, according to Rathmore Financial and Royal London.
Calum Cooper urges schemes to engage with members on defined benefit transfers
Steve Webb discusses the tricky issue of whether trustees should include cash equivalent transfer values on member statements
PP research finds disagreement on whether transfers to SSASs are the problem and should be barred.
High-net worth savers will increasingly seek advice on transferring their defined benefit (DB) pots over the next 12 months, according to UBS.