Research finds ‘fragmented’ administration market leads to ‘unnecessary’ running costs
Firm said hub will help schemes through the ‘maze’ of emerging endgame options
L&G finds nearly two-fifths of DB schemes aiming for full buyout within three years
Research finds time to buyout fell due to rise in average swap rates and bond yields
Brightwell research finds two-fifths of schemes are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach
WTW finds 54% of schemes have fast-tracked plans due to increase funding levels
XPS poll finds trustees and sponsors willing to consider ‘range’ of endgame strategies
Endgame likely to be in sight for many schemes but insurer warns of capacity limits
Analysis finds FTSE 350 DB schemes’ time to buyout has risen after record lows earlier this year
Hymans Robertson has launched an online DB endgame tool to help buyout journey planning