The 55% tax charge levied on beneficiaries of individuals who die under the age of 75 with a joint life or guaranteed term annuity has been abolished in today's Autumn Statement.
PP looks at why trustees are coming under pressure over trapped surpluses and what they can do about it
Jonathan Stapleton thinks 'freedom and choice' could trigger a buy to let boom
Fiduciary management booms, but lack of competition is a worry
Coca-Cola HBC, Whitbread and GKN are among the ten FTSE 100 pension schemes with the worst funding levels, according to a report.
Which charges in default funds will be capped from April?
The current 55% tax duty payable when pension funds are passed on after death is set to be axed under this government, George Osborne has announced.
Companies need to communicate better with investors on remuneration packages, the National Association of Pension Funds' (NAPF) AGM report reveals.
There has been a 55% increase in drawdown sales since the Chancellor announced the liberalisation of the retirement process in March, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI).
An increasing number of FTSE100 firms are seeking alternatives to straight cash funding, with 38 FTSE100 companies disclosing some form of security arrangements in their 2013 accounts, LCP research finds.