There are increasing calls to review the process for regulated apportionment arrangements, which are still rare. Stephanie Baxter explores the rationale for a more flexible framework.
The industry has welcomed The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) revised definition of professional trustee, but has warned all trustees to be aware of the updated monetary penalty policy.
Online fraud has become the most commonly reported crime across England and Wales, yet the government, law enforcement agencies and the industry overlook it, the National Audit Office (NAO) warns.
There are increasing concerns pre-pack administrations are being exploited to dump pension schemes into the PPF. Stephanie Baxter explores whether there is systemic misuse and if the regime is ripe for reform
The regulator's call to ban transfers to small self-administered schemes (SSASs) to help crack down on scams has received little support from the industry.
A government proposal to limit the right to transfer pension funds amid increasing scam activity has been welcomed by the industry.
Savers should be able to use their nest eggs to buy a home, according to pensions minister Richard Harrington.
Plans to scrap mandatory advice for expats wanting to transfer their retirement pots overseas could open the door to scammers, it has been warned.
Capital adequacy rules could ensure master trust providers have enough money if they go bust. James Phillips explores if it is the best way to protect members
The liabilities of DB schemes are often seen as a burden on younger savers, but is this really the case? James Phillips explores the arguments