Frances O’Grady says equalisation would not cost much and would make a huge difference
Top stories this week include £100,000 stuck in a suspected pension liberation scam, advice on deflation, and a trustee fined over transfer delays. Here's what you might have missed.
The Court of Appeal (CA) has provided guidelines to employers on how they could avoid being accused of discrimination when dismissing employees.
BT has lost its fight to hold onto a partial exemption from paying the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) levy.
Members of the Lehman Brothers Pension Scheme will receive their benefits in full after a £184m settlement was reached in the six-year legal battle that followed the firm's bankruptcy.
A High Court judge has overturned a decision by the Pensions Ombudsman (PO) to deny a prison officer in the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) retirement at age 55 on full benefits.
The Court of Appeal has ruled the government remains responsible for paying benefits of the BT Pension Scheme (BTPS) should the company go bust.
Businesses should, as far as is reasonable, make adjustments to support employees who are caring for disabled family members, the Equality and Humans Rights Commission (EHRC) will tell the Court of Appeal today.
Honda's UK pension scheme is facing between £47m and £70m in additional liabilities after the Court of Appeal rejected its case over faulty scheme documents.
Unison is applying for permission to appeal the rejection of its claim for a judicial review of the government's introduction of tribunal fees.