Raquel Pichardo-Allison speaks to David Wray, president of the Profit Sharing/401(k) council of America about the current state of the US defined contribution pension system
With superannuation funds facing a lack of confidence and questions arising over manager performance it is a time of change for Australian pensions, as Rachel Alembakis reports
Rachel Alembakis talks to Ross Jones of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority about how it has coped with the economic downturn
Despite having the second highest public debt in the world and taking a significant beating in the economic downturn, Japan's investment community is looking ahead to long-term investment, as Rachel Alembakis reports
While already successful in its native Japan, Nomura Asset Management is looking to expand on a global scale, but are they looking before they leap? Raquel Pichardo-Allison reports
Sebastian Cheek talks to Marcus Mecklenburg, senior vice president, policy and associations, BVI - the German investment fund industry association
Sebastian Cheek talks to Hans-Wilhelm Korfmacher from WPV, the Superannuation Fund for Auditors and Certified Accountants about how longevity has made the the fund reassess its investment portfolio
German investors appear to have weathered the global crisis. Sebastian Cheek investigates how pension funds are positioned for the upturn
Emma Dunkley talks to Irish minister for social and family affairs Mary Hanafin
Emma Dunkley looks at Irish pensions schemes and asks whether the introduction of a pensions insolvency payment scheme will solve the funding crisis