Prime minister David Cameron has pledged to restrict pensions tax relief for high earners if the Conservatives win the general election.
Employers face a £2.34bn bill to accommodate Conservative plans legally entitling workers to three days voluntary work every year.
Most people in the pensions industry are hoping for a Tory victory on 7 May, according to research from Professional Pensions.
The Association of Consulting Actuaries has urged the next government to take seven steps to improve retirement incomes
Pensions are in constant flux but contributions remain stable even if employees are failing to make use of employer matches, Natasha Browne finds
The news was dominated by plans from the three main parties to cut tax relief and increase auto-enrolment contributions this week. Here's what you might have missed.
The Budget 2015 could see the Tories pledge to raise the income tax bracket by cutting the pensions annual and lifetime allowances, according to reports.
Promising to look after state pensions is the best way to win votes in the upcoming general election according to research from Barnett Waddingham.
Stephanie Baxter looks the risks schemes will face around the general election
Mark Twigg says the complexion of the next government will be decisive in shaping pensions policy