Collective individual defined contribution (CIDC) schemes should be sought as the next form of pension provision, a university paper has recommended.
Frank field is a good thing for pensions and the government will make the necessary legislative changes to allow CDC, according to industry
The industry has been calling for some sort of alternative to defined benefit (DB) schemes for as long as I can remember - saying such arrangements could provide a third way between DB and defined contribution (DC) schemes.
Collective defined contribution (CDC) arrangements could be set up without needing full CDC legislation, which would speed up and make the process easier, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) has claimed.
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) and Royal Mail Group are very close to securing an agreement on a collective defined contribution (CDC) plan for all members.
The Work and Pensions Committee (WPC) has extended its deadline for written submissions for its inquiry into collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes.
The government needs to take "decisive action" and make provision for collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes, the shadow pensions minister has argued.
The Work and Pensions Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the merits of collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes, and the potential role they could play in saving for retirement.
Labour will call for collective defined contribution (DC) schemes in order to protect savers against longevity risk and costs, the party has announced.
Pension transfer requests out of defined benefit (DB) schemes doubled after the relaxation of defined contribution (DC) retirement processes, according to one provider.