Professional Pensions is holding a webinar on how the pensions industry can make a real impact when it comes to ESG – asking what is better, to engage or to divest.
The Church of England Pensions Board has selected the FTSE Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) Climate Transition Index for a £600m mandate.
Pension funds have expressed concerns that the transport industry is lagging behind on helping to tackle climate change in line with international expectations.
Willis Towers Watson's LifeSight is the first defined contribution (DC) master trust to allocate around half of equity investments in the default fund to environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.
The Church of England Pensions Board has written to 55 European companies on their climate lobbying practices, and has warned of shareholder resolutions later this year.
PIC has invested around £700m into social and affordable housing. Jonathan Stapleton speaks to the insurer's head of debt origination, Allen Twyning, to find out more.
Some of the UK's biggest pension schemes have co-founded an initiative to better understand how the transition to a low carbon economy affects their investments.