This year has been a busy one for pensions and 2015 looks to be very much the same. Squire Patton Boggs has highlighted 12 key areas for trustees to focus on in 2015.
DC charges branded "shocking rip off" as industry says things have to change
Up to £25.8bn of assets in contract-based and bundled trust-based defined contribution (DC) schemes is in funds charging 1% or more annually, according the Independent Project Board (IPB).
Firms yet to reach their auto-enrolment (AE) staging dates want the process postponed until wide-reaching changes to the pensions system are finalised, according to research.
We want your views on Steve Webb's latest plans to reform the annuity market.
Which charges in default funds will be capped from April?
The government has published draft regulations to introduce minimum governance standards for workplace pensions and a 0.75% charge cap on default funds.