A potential surge in pension transfer requests as a result of the economic fallout from lockdown could see demand for advice rocket, putting increased pressure on the profession, the Personal Finance Society (PFS) has warned.
The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) has rejected a number of complaints from members of the embattled and collapsed British Steel Pension Scheme (BSPS).
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has sent letters to defined benefit (DB) schemes encouraging trustees to consider cutting transfer values on offer when workers want to leave.
An increased volume of enquiries has led British Airways (BA) Pensions to temporarily suspend transfer values for active members.
Transfers out of defined benefit schemes have increased substantially over the past year. Charlotte Moore looks at the challenges this is posing for schemes
The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) has stood behind the Standard Life staff pension scheme's decision to not issue a new transfer value, despite a member agreeing to pay for it.
Defined benefit (DB) schemes should provide more comprehensive information when calculating cash equivalent transfer values (CETVs) to reduce delays, according to Rathmore Financial and Royal London.
Steve Webb discusses the tricky issue of whether trustees should include cash equivalent transfer values on member statements
While many schemes may feel their path to buyout will be a long one there are opportunities available to accelerate the process says David Bunkle.
Henry Tapper discusses the highs and lows of DB transfers.