Predictions auto-enrolment will boost scheme take-up rates among low earners are ‘over-optimistic', Standard Life warns.
Plans by the European Union to introduce Solvency II rules to the pensions industry run the risk of undermining pension provision rather than strengthening it, industry bodies have warned.
The coalition was right to heed warning about the potential impact of an annual allowance as low as £30,000, trade bodies say.
Legislation allowing trustees to override RPI written in the trust deed and switch to CPI would not be in members' best interests, delegates heard.
Dear Editor, Anne-Marie Winton seems to be surprised at the court ruling that the trustees were liable to Ms Brahja for a survivor's pension....
The Pensions Regulator will use its powers "aggressively" against schemes which knowingly take on risks in excess of the sponsor covenant, Bill Galvin warns.
Schemes should consider using non-cash assets as part of their liability management strategy, experts say.
MetLife chief executive Dan DeKeizer has written to the Debt Management Office requesting it looks again at issuing CPI-linked gilts.
Government must press ahead with the 2012 reforms or risk a crisis of undersaving, the Confederation of British Industry says.
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