US - The country's two largest pension funds brought in record returns in for the year ended 30 June 2011 with CalSTRS returning 23.1% and CalPERS, 20.7%, though officials at both pointed to concerns about the US economy going forward.
US - Legal analysis carried out by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has ruled that pension promises made to current and retired members are a "vested right" and protected under State and federal laws.
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days.
US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has issued an RFI for investment in domestic emerging private equity managers.
Lynn Strongin Dodds looks at how the recent AIMA guidelines are designed to improve governance in the hedge fund industry
US - Consultant Wurts & Associates has hired Jeffrey Scott, the investment chief of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation known for spearheading a risk-based asset allocation, to serve as CIO of its outsourcing business.
US - More than two dozen major institutional investors, collectively managing $1trn in assets, have asked the Russell 1000 companies to actively embrace the "new reality" of ESG risks.
Pension funds have long been a key backer of private equity yet the love affair is going through a rocky patch, writes Toby Lewis
US - The board of the California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) has voted to support proposed legislation to help curb pension spiking.
US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has appointed Réal Desrochers as senior investment officer for its private equity programme.