Pension funds are looking for more control over how their fixed income benchmarks are constructed, as Raquel Pichardo-Allison reports
JAPAN - Japanese pension funds are starting to invest in toll roads, ports and pipelines for the first time, seeking higher returns to meet the retirement needs of the world's fastest-aging population.
US - California lawmakers approved two bills to prevent government employees from increasing the amount of their pensions by padding their pay before retirement.
US - CalSTRS and CalPERS have jointly filed a law suit claiming the California governor violated the state constitution when he put in place a three day per month furlough and wage cuts.
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days (13 August - 20 August).
GLOBAL - Research house Lipper is urging pension funds to follow the lead of CalPERS and Utah Retirement Systems in pushing hedge fund managers to explain and justify their fee structures.
US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has approved a change in policy which it believes could save the state up to $500m this year.
US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System's (CalPERS) good governance campaign has significantly improved stock performance over the past 23 years, a new report shows.
US - California Treasurer Bill Lockyer has asked the state's biggest pension plan to report the 100 highest state and local government salaries each year and to help prevent pay abuses.
US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has welcomed plans by Massey Energy to upgrade its corporate governance practices.