Key questions are still yet to be answered over how much compensation members receive from the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) a year after a landmark court ruling.
Regulations from the government set out plans to remove protections for UK DB schemes hit by an EU employer insolvency. James Phillips explores the details.
The pensions landscape is full of change and opportunity, says a wide-ranging report. James Phillips explores some of the views on the changes afoot.
Collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes could be a "halfway house" for the public sector but will appeal to "very much a minority" in the private sector, Baroness Ros Altmann says.
The Upper Tribunal has ruled in favour of TPR in its long-running dispute with ITV over the Box Clever pension scheme. James Phillips explores the impact of the judgment.
The Brexit deal on the Irish border is heavily vested in trade and security needs, but it also poses problems for cross-border scheme members, James Phillips writes.
Two Court of Appeal judgments have allowed schemes to introduce a pensionable pay cap. James Phillips explains the reasons why and what to be aware of
Michael Klimes examines what additional obligations money laundering rules introduced in June may put on schemes
A Scottish court has ruled four schemes were validly amended for Barber equalisation in spite of lack of documentation. Stephanie Baxter asks if it could lead to less pedantic judgements south of the border.
Pension scams have been around a long time but, since the new pensions flexibilities were introduced, they are becoming even more prevalent. Alice Honeywill and Elena O'Leary explain how to avoid scams.