The volume of bulk annuity deals written in the first half of 2016 was 40% smaller compared to the previous year, according to Aon Hewitt.
Partnership's director of defined benefit (DB) solutions Costas Yiasoumi has left the firm after two years and has been replaced by Tim Coulson.
The ICI Pension Fund has revealed it saved £10m by completing its latest buy-in with Legal & General (L&G) shortly after the EU referendum.
A trend whereby insurers are providing fewer buyout quotations for smaller schemes has accelerated since the end of 2015, according to JLT.
Mortality studies are increasingly seen as a method for trustees and companies to better understand scheme membership life expectancy. Kristian Brunt-Seymour explores how this can help companies make better financial decisions.
While the market volatility and falling gilt yields in the aftermath of the EU referendum is bad news for DB schemes, they could actually benefit from more attractive buy-in and buyout pricing. Kristian Brunt-Seymour explores which schemes could benefit...
Just Retirement has undertaken a pensioner buy-in for the Galliford Try defined benefit (DB) scheme.
Parts of the bulk annuity market are showing less appetite for buyouts of smaller schemes despite improvement in pricing for full scheme buyouts.
The ICI Pension Fund has completed a £630m buy-in covering over 4,000 of its members with Scottish Widows.
A guide has been published to help trustees and other industry professionals understand how medical underwriting can be used to de-risk defined benefit (DB) schemes.