Move would boost growth and deliver better outcomes for pensions and the economy
Daily Mail says lifetime and annual allowances among those that will increase
Chancellor Rishi Sunak will deliver his mini-budget later today
The November Budget will not go ahead due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, according to reports.
The government has admitted it has never provided a “straightforward and proportionate” solution to the challenges in the current pensions tax relief system in a call for evidence this morning (21 July).
This week's top stories include ten tips for mastering virtual trustee meetings, and Unbiased's calculation that five to ten years is a reasonable amount of time for a workplace pension to recover from the market shocks of the Covid-19 crisis.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has confirmed the government will go ahead with its Budget on 11 March, despite Sajid Javid’s resignation.
The government must take advantage of its majority to push through further reforms to auto-enrolment, says James Phillips.
HM Treasury has confirmed that the government will hold its Budget on 11 March.
This week’s 96 Pensions Buzz respondents said good governance was more important than member engagement, noting the former could lead to the latter.