The British Airways Pension Trustees have retained State Street Corporation to service its schemes worth £14bn.
British Airways is discussing a range of changes to future pension benefits with its staff, their unions and trustees.
British Airways has reached a provisional deal with trustees over the level of its pension scheme deficits.
UK - British Airways has reached a provisional deal with trustees over the level of its pension scheme deficits.
A merger deal between British Airways and Iberia, the Spanish airline, could be terminated should BA be unable to reach a funding arrangement with its scheme trustees.
BA and Iberia agree merger; Costs cuts boost BT's earnings but pension deficit casts shadow; Myners backs insurers over EU capital rules; Insurers' relief over solvency rules short-lived as Ceiops bites; Pension funds warn companies: curb pay or face...
UK - British Airways saw its net pensions deficit increase from £307m (US$509m) to £2.6bn following an interim valuation.
British Airways saw its net pensions deficit increase from £307m to £2.6bn following an interim valuation.