Over half of employers believe the need to fund defined benefit (DB) schemes is affecting their ability to improve employee pay, a survey by the Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) has found.
The UK has awoken to shock news that the Conservative Party has failed to secure an overall majority, leaving the future government hanging somewhat in the balance.
Introducing a flat rate of tax relief at 20% could save the Treasury up to £13bn, according to calculations by the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will amend legislation to allow contracted-out benefits to be transferred into a scheme which has never been contracted-out.
Schemes can improve their governance by putting more member-nominated trustees (MNTs) on their board, according to the Association of Member-Nominated Trustees.
Millions of low-paid earners and self-employed workers will be missing out on pensions unless the government expands the auto-enrolment (AE) programme, Association of Consulting Actuaries (ACA) research finds.
Members of the Work and Pensions Committee (WPC) have been urged to set up a broad inquiry into hidden costs and charges faced by pension schemes.
The government should establish an independent pensions commission to promote the betterment of private retirement income provision and make recommendations on both state and public sector provision, the Association of Consulting Actuaries says.
The 2017 auto-enrolment (AE) review must have a wide scope and look at the longer term to ensure adequate savings, the industry has told the pensions minister.
Over 9 in 10 small businesses support a call for the government to introduce a statutory override for scheme indexation, a survey has found.