Stephen Lowe looks at the support members are likely to need from schemes to help them navigate the complex retirement income market.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is considering whether to force firms to provide clients with an annuity comparator tool after initial trials produced a dramatic increase of consumers shopping around for the best deals.
A trend whereby insurers are providing fewer buyout quotations for smaller schemes has accelerated since the end of 2015, according to JLT.
Aegon has sold the final third of its UK annuity portfolio to Legal & General (L&G) as part of its strategy to free up capital from non-core business.
PP explores the option of putting the British Steel scheme through the bulk annuity market.
What impact has freedom and choice had on the behaviour of those looking to access their retirement savings? Gill Wadsworth takes a look.
Two thirds of people aged over 55 who have bought an annuity (68%) would be unlikely to cash it in despite being able to from next year.
Aegon has sold a £6bn UK annuity portfolio to Rothesay Life in a bid to focus on expanding its investment platform.
PP looks at how the Just Retirement and Partnership merger could impact market competition.
Defined benefit members are taking advantage of the flexibilities through a number of ways according to research.