Alternative investments can be a good fit for DC but the 0.75% charge cap makes it difficult for schemes to diversify into them. Stephanie Baxter looks at what trustees can do.
Consultants have been accused of using an "accounting trick" to overstate the performance of alternative investments by about £5.1bn over the past decade across Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS).
JPMorgan has agreed to sell half of its private equity business to two investment firms.
LCP research finds employers are looking for different ways to plug deficits
Rachel Dalton looks at figures on pension funds’ changing approach to investment risk
Conditions for UK infrastructure debt investing are ‘suboptimal', experts warn.
Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners (AIP) has made nine promotions after assets under management (AUM) grew from $29.2bn (£17.5bn) to $33.72bn over 2013.
The Pensions Trust has appointed BlackRock to manage a £100m fiduciary management mandate for inflation-linked alternative investments.
Taha Lokhandwala looks at what investors are expecting to happen over the course of 2014 and how this could affect scheme investment strategies
The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) increased its allocation to alternatives to 19% in the year to the end of March.