In the latest of PP's Pensions In-Depth Interviews, JONATHAN STAPLETON talks to Rexam group head of pensions TERRY FAULKNER about the challenges facing the industry and how they can be solved
Geraldine Brassett of Mercer looks ahead to the advent of personal accounts and advises on how employers can meet the duties required by the new legislation
The next government must halt the ‘salami slicing' of pensions tax relief within 100 days of taking power or risk alienating savers, Aegon says.
The National Employment Savings Trust is the UK government's solution to the pensions problem, but it has met with some controversy, as Jenna Towler reports
Preparing for auto-enrolment is among The Pension Regulator's top priorities set out in its corporate and business plan 2010-2013.
Helen Morrissey talks to Comet Pension Scheme manager James Arnold about attaining the NAPF Quality Mark
Sebastian Cheek previews the March 18 edition of Professional Pensions.
Emma Dunkley talks to key personnel at The Pensions Regulator following a series of governance and administration workshops focusing on internal controls and record keeping
Government plans to stage auto-enrolment will inevitably distort short-term competition between large and small firms, pensions minister Angela Eagle admits.
The "administrative nightmare" of auto-enrolment into National Employment Savings Trust will divert necessary attention from the scheme's investment strategy, the Pensions Institute warns.