Pensions minister Steve Webb has written to the Association of British Insurers demanding evidence that consultancy charges levied on schemes are value for money.
The government may offer public servants who are transferred to private sector contractors the ability to remain in their public sector schemes.
Tony Morris and his associate Peter Malmstrom have been cleared of taking part in the £52m GP Noble pension scheme fraud.
A Supreme Court has ruled that part-time judges may be entitled to the same pension rights as their full time counterparts.
A group of Lloyds shareholders suing directors over the 2008 HBOS takeover will use the LIBOR scandal as further proof they were misled into backing the deal.
Chairman of the Financial Services Authority Lord Turner says the new Financial Conduct Authority will focus more on the activities of insurers and pension funds.
The High Court has ruled against a consortium of 38 Lehman Brothers subsidiary companies fighting to be excluded from financial support directions by The Pensions Regulator.
National Insurance contributions are due on pre-6 April 2006 employer payments into funded unapproved retirement benefit schemes, the Court of Appeal has ruled.
BBC Pension Scheme reforms capping future pensionable salary increases at 1% are legal, the High Court has ruled - but member doubts remain over the BBC's discretion to make the change.