US - The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) is in search of a manager to provide index fund products for six of its trust funds.
GLOBAL - Hedge funds might capture news headlines when they lose money as a result of financial crimes and misdemeanours, but pensions are stung more often partly due to their more regular investing patterns, according to a securities litigation lawyer...
That the third quarter was turbulent was no surprise. But recently released funding figures for pension funds and asset under management figures for asset managers have helped us crystallise the cost of the uncertainty surrounding the future of the EU...
Pension funds could soon have to bear the cost of a Europe-wide tax on equity, bonds, currency and derivative transactions, finds Lynn Strongin Dodds
T. Rowe Price; Association of Tax Technicians; Legal & General Property; Baring Asset Management; Threadneedle Investments; Adrian Lee & Partners; Aon Hewitt; Royal London Asset Management
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days.
EUROPE - Finance practitioners generally echoed the welcome markets gave to details of the latest, expanded eurozone rescue deal, but said the "eye of the storm" will now move to focus on Italy and its beleaguered ruling coalition.
Andrew Short talks to the EU commissioner
US - Telecommunications companies AT&T and Verizon Communications could face increased pension payments next year as their liabilities soar to a combined $73.2bn, according to an analyst note from Bernstein Research, a unit of AllianceBernstein.
UK/Europe - The European Commission plans to adopt a "holistic balance sheet" approach to scheme funding rules which will treat sponsor covenants as assets, a consultation reveals.