ITALY - Italian trade unions have decided to extend the front in their battlewith the government to include alterations to the pensions system as one of the reforms to be opposed along with greater labour market flexibility.
ITALY - The first wave of Italy's new pension funds have agreed management fees of as little as six basis points on fixed income mandates and 15 basis points on equity portfolios.
ITALY - The new Italian pension fund market has become a hotbed for fierce competition despite the low level of fees in the market.
ITALY - The two new Alitalia pension funds, Fondav and Mercurio, will begin a search for a custodian bank as soon as they receive operational approval from the Italian pensions regulator.
ITALY - Non-Italian fund managers are being frozen out of Italy's new pensions market as Italian-owned management companies take the lion's share of mandates from the new contractual pension funds which have been set up by various industries, professions,...
ITALY - The head of Italy's state pensions scheme has raised doubts about the viability of one of the government's key strategies to boost the private pensions fund industry.
ITALY - Borsa Italiana has teamed up with ratings agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) to launch a new equity index.
ITALY - The Italian pension fund regulator, the Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione (Covip), is set to give its approval to the operation of two new pension funds.
ITALY - New research has called upon the Italian government to speed up its pensions reforms and curtail its high pension expenditure to free-up resources for other areas.
ITALY - Plans by the Italian government's to cut employer pension contributions may lead to a shortfall of EUR41bn in the state pension system, says the state pension body, the INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale).