STANDARD & POOR'S has launched three Shariah compliant equities benchmark indices.
US - MSCI Barra, Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Dow Jones Indexes, in association with Wilshire, have all announced the launch of new indices for institutional investors.
Global Pensions gathered key industry experts in London to discuss the latest issues impacting the growing ETF industry and how these relate to pension funds
STANDARD & POOR'S has launched a S&P 500 inverse index to give investors a way to measure the performance of a short position in the stock-market barometer.
Ian Pittaway, senior partner, Sacker & Partners The majority of salary pension schemes are now in ...
STANDARD & POOR'S has launched a S&P 500 130/30 strategy index - becoming the first index provider to move into the 130/30 space.
Barclays Capital has enhanced its liability driven investment offering with the launch of a swap indices family.
Standard & Poor's has launched three new Shariah indices to meet demand from Islamic investors.
Property and real estate investment trusts are continuing to underperform equity markets this year, according to Standard & Poor's.
Standard Life seeks talks; BlueBay beats squeeze with new money; Fund manager attacks HSBC; AbCap hedge fund faces suit