INCLUDING: UK - New manager at Morley; US - Commodity index to underlie ETF; IRELAND - New head of compliance at Pensions Board
STANDARD & POOR'S has launched an investable index for ‘frontier' equities in a bid to offer schemes exposure to previously uninvestable markets.
New funds - set up under the EU's Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities directives - have been launched by SEI and Axa Investment Managers.
SGAM Alternative Investments is set to launch a series of Shariah-compliant index funds linked to Standard & Poor's Shariah indices.
Buy-out bosses set for second showdown with MPs; Union alleges private equity pension ‘rip off' at Lil-lets; GPs go to court over pension cap; Barclays moves closer to ABN Amro takeover after court rules on sale of US arm
THE ENTIRE Dar Al Istithmar Shariah finance and investment team - a majority held subsidiary of Deutsche Bank - has left to join BMB Group.
INCLUDING: UK - Minister speaks about M&A, CANADA - Mountie finance chief steps down, UK - FTSE launches new REIT index
THE FTSE Group has signed an agreement with Singapore Press Holdings and Singapore Exchange to develop a new set of indices.
SINGAPORE - The FTSE Group, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) are to launch new indices by the end of this year.