Sirius Index finds both 50% hedged and fully-hedged schemes saw deficits fall by £0.2bn
XPS finds the aggregate surplus of UK DB schemes hit £186bn last month
Hymans Robertson research finds 70% of schemes have reviewed their endgame strategy
AMNT research shows half of MNTs consider buyout to be their ‘primary’ endgame objective
Consultancy praised the ‘prolonged period of strong funding levels’
PIC survey finds 52% expect large transactions to have biggest impact on pricing levels
Transfer Activity Index fell to record low for second time this year since index’s inception
Just Group’s recent study of 1,500-plus individuals found that more communication and support is needed for DB scheme members as they approach retirement.
Brightwell’s Morten Nilsson says maintaining dialogue with DB is in everyone’s interest
Insurer says ‘buoyant’ bulk annuity market will create ‘considerable’ future opportunities