Schemes will need help to prepare for the ‘home stretch’ of their risk transfer journey
PPF confirms ‘marginally overfunded’ schemes will be able to use discount rate for s143 valuations
XPS says Transfer Value Index has seen a ‘prolonged period of stability’
Just Group research aims to develop ‘clear understanding’ of help needed for DB members
Charles Stanley research finds two in five think the government needs to encourage surplus creation
SPP and APL survey of pension professionals finds minority think run-on is viable long-term strategy
Conference session reminds attendees of the importance of DB schemes for member benefits
Survey finds 68% of members considered DB as their primary source of retirement income
With over 5,000 defined benefit schemes in the UK, we recognise that one solution doesn’t fit all when it comes to considering end game options beyond transferring the entire scheme assets and liabilities to an insurer. Yet now, more than ever for well-funded...
Cumulative mortality rates 3.5% lower than 2023 but 2% above the ten-year average for ages 20 to 44