The smooth running of the Swiss pension industry has been interrupted by the knock-on impact of the sub-prime crisis and lingering debates over administrative consolidation and minimum interest credit payments. Andrew Sheen travels to Geneva and Zurich...
In its first ever roundtable on the topic, Global Pensions gathered industry experts in London to discuss the long and short of 130/30 funds
Santiago Montenegro and çlvaro Pedraza give an overview of the Colombian pension system
In the fastchanging Dutch pensions environment, both pension funds and asset managers are having to rethink their game in order to keep their place in the industry. Keren Holland reports
Global Pensions asked a panel of experts to explain how the US subprime crisis had impacted on cash management and money market funds, and how pension funds could make better use of the asset class
This year will see the fifteenth anniversary of Peru's Private Pension System, which was based on the Chilean model. Fernando Muñoz-Nájar looks at how the system has taken root in the Andean country
Heather Dale talks to Mike O'Brien, the UK's Minister of State for Pension Reform
The importance of the role of trustees in UK defined benefit (DB) pension funds was highlighted in 2007: the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) in particular encouraged trustees to engage with companies over merger and acquisition activity.
After a long period of speculation, could it be that the ball is finally rolling for the much-hyped buyout market?
With the effects of 2007's credit crunch making themselves felt in the equity markets, the UK's pension funds are looking at ways to reduce risk and volatility. Heather Dale reports from London