The National Association of Pension Funds chairman has called for government intervention in the defined contribution market to create up to ten super trusts of £10bn-£20bn each.
The Pensions Regulator will apply its features of good defined contribution schemes on a ‘comply or explain' basis, TPR chairman Michael O'Higgins has said.
Coalition attempts to rein in government spending have delayed senior appointments at The Pensions Regulator and set back its defined contribution agenda, PP can reveal.
In fewer than eight years there will be just one million defined benefit savers in the UK, while defined contribution schemes will cover 16 million workers, the Pensions Policy Institute predicts.
Multinational companies are synchronising their retirement provision across the globe and centralising their benefit structures, a Punter Southall International survey reveals.
MPs should ditch their gold-plated pension arrangements and move to a defined contribution scheme, Saga director-general Ros Altmann says.
The former boss of Kent Reliance Building Society has been appointed as interim director for defined contribution, governance and administration at The Pensions Regulator, PP can reveal.
The government cannot "stand idly by" while accountancy standards send pension fund liabilities rocketing and undermine the economy, Steve Webb has said.
The government cannot encourage people to save more, amid concerns a decline in spending could shut off the economic recovery, policy experts say.
The industry must automate the decumulation phase of defined contribution schemes, National Association of Pension Funds chief executive Joanne Segars says.